Any questions? Read our FAQs
We believe in making the exam accessible to everyone. We understand how frustrating and confusing recruitment processes can be, often leaving you with more questions than answers. That’s why we’ve dedicated over 10,000 hours to create this exam, partnering with industry experts like SHL, Udemy, and Zoho to develop top-tier anti-cheat platforms, courses, and guides to guarantee your success. While ensuring accessibility involves a minimal cost, we genuinely believe this investment offers exceptional value, empowering you on your career journey.
The registration fee for the TCR exam is refundable if you successfully meet the passing criteria.
Our exam is accessible to everyone.
Both freshers and experienced candidates seeking top job roles at Techwave Solutions can apply.
We’re here to help!
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at Our support team will get back to you promptly!
For the Technical Round, the results are announced immediately.
For the subjective round, we take 24 business hours for the result announcement.
Our recruitment team will be in touch within 48 working hours to guide you through the next steps, including your offer letter and onboarding details. We’re excited to have you on the team!
Yes, we provide laptops to employees after the offer letter formalities are completed. This ensures that you have the necessary resources to begin your role effectively.